Soon to be a full production making its American debut! Madison Shakespeare Company will produce The Blue Comet November 1-9 2024 at the Bartell Theatre. Auditions will be held August 20-22.
A rogue comet intrusion threatens all life on Earth.
A rogue Australian intrusion threatens the peace of a modest manor in Hampstead, England.
Terribly polite, stiff-upper-lip apocalyptic comedy ensues.
Falconbridge Players presented a national premiere staged reading of the forgotten catastrophic comedy The Blue Comet by Eden Phillpotts. First performed in Birmingham in 1926 and London in 1927, there is no record of a performance of this play in the United States. Presented free and open to the public in the Community Room at the Madison Police Department’s Midtown station.
Cast of characters:
Mary Parsons: Max Ducey
James Parsons: Thomas Amacher
Nicholas Bedale: Jason Summerlott
Millicent Bedale: Kyla Vaughan
Jane Bedale: Gina Chirichella
Elizabeth Bedale: Madeleine O’Keefe
Col. Lucas Bedale: Jacob Lange
Morris Bedale: Jackson Rosenberry
Christopher Bedale: Ben Seidensticker